   Helping to Improve the Quality of Life for Everyone
Energy Projects: Alternative and Renewable 

A Narrative of the Energy Industry

Over the recent decades, it has been shown that all, or most, of the Energy we need to sustain our societies can be created by using Alternative or Renewable Energy systems that can produce the Energy we require without the risk of severe damage to the Environment, or to the health of people and communities who live anywhere near them. 

Creating Alternative or Renewable Energy systems is far less costly to us in many ways, and in light of recent disasters in the Gulf of Mexico, and Northern Japan, people around the World are realizing that we cannot continue to use, or rely on, dangerous technologies that use dangerous and unstable materials, such as Nuclear fuels and Fossilized Oil resources, to produce the energy we need to sustain our way of Life.

Do Alternative and Renewable Energy facilities really offer a better way to produce the Energy we need over existing systems in use today?

Answer: Yes. Alternative or Renewable forms of Energy are a far better choice to create the Energy we need for many "Common Sense" reasons. Among many good reasons, such Facilities can create the Energy we need:

1.​​ without excessive risks to our personal safety,
2. without excessive costs to the World either financially or environmentally,
3. they are proven to be much safer to operate,
4. are far more "environmentally" friendly to operate than any "conventional" type of technology
    ​including "nuclear-based" systems in use today, and,
5. provide the same benefits, if not more, than all of the Conventional systems that are
    ​currently operating today.

A Comparable Benefits Story:

Many benefits are derived from using Alternative Energy-based systems as opposed to any form of 
​“conventional” type of system that is still in use today to try and satisfy the ever growing demand that the today's World has for Energy.

As an example, the use of Nuclear technology, that was “billed and sold” to the people of the World as a “clean” and "safe" technology that can create vast amounts of Energy through Nuclear “fission”, has shown us all that it is a dangerous technology to employ. Although Nuclear-based Energy plants do indeed provide a truly "clean" form of Energy when operating properly, we have all seen that even one mistake, caused either by Human error or because of an unforeseen Natural event, creates a nightmare for the people of the World.

History has made it clear that despite any precautions we take, and despite having the finest minds and personnel available in the World to operate such facilities, that when a Nuclear-fueled reactor fails, commonly referred to as a "meltdown", that it becomes a nightmare for all of us. Not only are the costs of cleaning up and/or containing a disaster incredibly costly, running into the hundreds of billions of dollars, meltdowns and even minor failures cause permanent damage to the site and the surrounding Environment, create significant harm and illnesses to every living thing in that surrounding environment ranging from radiation poisoning to death, and in almost every case, renders the surrounding area "uninhabitable" for decades. Notable examples of failures in recent decades have included sites as unrelated as Chernobyl, Ukraine, the Three-Mile Island complex near Harrisburg, PA, in the United States, and most recently, at the Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear complex in Northern Japan, where people and anything else living near those facilities when they failed, are still suffering to this very day.

​​Clearly, this type of technology is NOT the future for Energy creation for the people of this World.

On the other hand, Alternative and Renewable Energy systems provide many benefits, none of which are "lethal" in any way. Some “key” benefits of using Alternative or Renewable Energy systems are:

Safety for Everyone ..…. and Everything:

If an Alternative Energy facility “fails”, it will cause no damage to the Environment, wildlife, or any of the people of the area, whatsoever. Because of the design of these technologies, there is almost nothing that could happen where anyone's life would be put at risk. If this were the only reason to create these types of facilities, it would be good enough. However, Alternative Energy technologies are constantly evolving providing ever more efficient systems, while at the same time are becoming ever more "eco-friendly". Of particular note are advancements in Wind technology where Windmill blade systems are now being developed and put into use that are far more efficient than older 3 and 5-bladed designs, and do not harm “flying” animals such as Birds, Bats, and Bees that are very important to the fabric of Nature. We must make a greater effort to start weaning ourselves off of dirty and dangerous Power and Fuel sources, and start creating Energy through the vast and virtually unlimited natural resources that this planet already offers such as the Wind, Water, Sun, and the great variety of renewable plant resources that can be easily harvested, re-grown, and/or re-created to make a variety of Eco-friendly Energy and Fuel products.

Environmental Benefits:

Alternative and Renewable Energy technologies are "truly" clean sources of energy, and have a much lower environmental impact than any form of "conventional" energy technology in use today. Almost every form of Alternative Energy creates very little "waste", if any at all, and none of them create any form of “hazardous” waste. In fact, some types of Alternative Energy systems are actually designed to use waste as their fuel source, where they actually destroy all forms of waste, including hazardous wastes, which help to keep such wastes out of our Landfills, and helps to prevent “illegal” dumping of hazardous materials in remote areas or into our waterways, by offering a site that can properly dispose of them. 

Furthermore, these facilities do not cause permanent damage to any site they occupy. If one of these facilities ever has to be removed from the site it occupies, it will almost be as if it had "never been there".

Clean and Sustainable Energy for Ourselves, our children, and future generations:

Unlike Solar Energy, the Wind, flowing Water, and even Trash, other sources of energy such as Oil and Coal are “finite” in supply, and will someday be exhausted. Such sources of Energy cannot "renew" themselves, and are not “renewable”; as such, Energy systems that rely on these types of commodities to produce Energy will eventually become "useless", and clearly are coming to a point in time where they can no longer represent the Energy production for this World. On the other hand, Renewable energy resources will never run out - Ever.

The future is already here for using Alternative Energy-based systems. Advancements to Alternative Energy technologies are evolving at such a pace that there is almost no reason to consider creating any more of the outdated “conventional” Energy facilities that are so prevalent today. Even more importantly, we can create new Alternative Energy facilities everywhere they are needed, and can even replace "outdated" systems at existing conventional facilities, at far less cost than creating any comparable conventional system. Creating these facilities may even “spare” some developing Nations the costs and hazards of going through an “Industrial” age similar to what the United States and many other “Industrialized” nations experienced, where pollution and waste went unchecked, spoiling waterways and Lands at costs that in some cases are still unknown.

Potential Benefits for US Jobs and the Economy:

Although many Alternative and Renewable Energy projects are being created around the World, for the most part, most of them are being created and built in the United States. A great many of these projects attract investment from US based Investment entities as diversified as major Energy Corporations, Lenders, Insurance and Pension Funds, Private Investment entities, and even Government entities.

What makes this important, and relevant, is that these investments create Jobs, as well as creating much needed Energy and Fuel products for States and communities across this Nation. Most of the investment capital invested into these types of projects pays for materials and Labor to create these facilities and to pay for other materials and labor that are necessary to build, maintain, or operate those facilities. This creates good paying jobs wherever these facilities are built.

Just as important as the sector-related jobs, are the "ancillary" jobs created in local communities and businesses that provide the materials needed to construct and operate some of these facilities, provide the “feed-stock” that some of these facilities require to operate, and provides opportunities for other support businesses ranging from restaurants to hotels to a variety of services. Most, if not all, of the “feed-stock” materials needed by some facilities are found right here in the United States, which greatly reduces or eliminates the need for Energy facilities that rely, or depend upon, resources to use as fuel sources (such as Oil) that must be imported from "overseas" often at at high costs to operate those facilities. One of the greatest benefits of creating these projects here at home, in America, is that the investment dollars being spent to create these facilities stays right here at “home”, creating good jobs and helping to support the local, State and regional economies of communities and States across this Nation, as opposed to being forced to support economies "overseas" that do not support US interests.

At the same time, other Nations still reap a benefit from Alternative and Renewable technologies being created, primarily in America, as Alternative and Renewable Energy technologies are continually being developed, and are being sold overseas to help create "Clean" Energy facilities in other Nations. The sale and export of these technologies and systems helps to reduce our Trade deficit while at the same time ensures that we are helping to create safe, reliable, and efficient systems to create Energy in other countries in an environmentally friendly way.

Energy Security:

For well over 100 years, the "Industrialized" nations of the World, which account for only about 25 % of the World’s population, have consumed approximately half of the known Fossil reserves of this planet. As much as 75 % of all Energy forms created annually from "Fossil" resources are consumed by the transportation sector alone. Unfortunately for all of us, much of the World, especially in developing countries, have economies and structures that are set up to use only fossil-based fuel resources, and rely heavily on the use, acquisition, and sale of these resources wherever they may be found to sustain their economies.

The more a Country has to rely on another Country to provide a resource, the more beholden they become to that Country to provide that resource. The danger is that a Country that must rely on another to provide a needed resource, is subject to that country's decisions on how much of that resource can, or will be provided.

The answer, almost without question, is that we need to start relying on the vast resources that we have right here at home in America, to create the Energy we need and lessen our dependence on other Countries to provide the Power or materials that we can easily create from our own resources. Alternative and Renewable Energy systems provide a cleaner way to produce Energy, and have shown that they can decrease, or at least "balance", our increasing dependency on Fossil resources from other countries, and provides an excellent alternative from using dangerous technologies. We need to be "smarter" about how we create Energy, and we can start by replacing outdated Energy systems that rely on Fossil Fuels and dangerous technologies, with Eco-friendly Energy systems that provide the same results.

The "Oil driven" economy that the World follows today is beginning to "crack", through awareness, disasters, and through the use of Alternative and Renewable Energy systems and technologies that have shown people the World over that they are able to provide the Energy and fuels that they need to greatly lessen the World’s dependence on Fossil resources.

Now, more than ever, we should be concentrating our efforts on creating Alternative Energy and Fuel facilities, and developing more Renewable sources of Energy, to ensure that our Energy demands can be met for this generation and the others to follow. Creating these types of facilities has greater benefits besides just the creation of Clean Energy; like every generation that is currently in “charge” of our societies, it is our job, and our duty, to ensure that we will leave this World to our children in a better way than we found it.

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Energy & Industry Sectors We Consider:

Waste Destruction
"Operating" In-Ground

Other projects Considered:
- Investment Grade Leasing
- Equipment Leasing
- Municipal Infrastructure
- Manufacturing (Contract)​​
- Acquisitions:
(of "Operating" Energy and
 Income-producing Sites)