   Helping to Improve the Quality of Life for Everyone
Projects that we Fund:

Un-Fundable Projects
Documentation Needed


Waste to Energy is the process of converting waste materials from Landfills, sludge Ponds, and other waste containment sources into Electrical Energy, recovering materials that can be re-used to re-make many outdated items and products being destroyed, and/or capturing or creating other useful "Eco-friendly" products ranging from Bio-Fuels to "black glass" to Elemental Gasses, and even Clean, distilled Water.

Waste Destruction:

Waste Destruction is the process of utterly destroying, or significantly reducing, waste materials from Landfills and other Waste collection sources using a variety of advanced technologies that primarily use Ultra-High Heat technologies, such as Pyrolysis and Plasma-based systems.

HydroElectric Power

Hydropower is power that is derived from the force or energy of moving water, which may be harnessed for useful purposes, such as for Irrigation and the creation of Electrical Energy. At HumaniLend, we will only consider HydroPower projects that create Electricity as their main purpose. We will also consider any projects that involve the "cleansing" of water, such as for Municipal Waste Water Treatment facilities, or operations that cleanse contaminated water from Landfills, and other waste containment and Industrial sites.


Bio-Mass is Energy that is produced in the form of Fuel products from 
Organically-based materials. Wood is still the primary resource to create  Bio-Mass Fuel products, but other materials, such as Wood residues from Timber and farming operations, an ever growing variety of Plants, and even  the Organic components in Landfills and Sludge Ponds, are all able to be used as resources for Bio-Mass products. Bio-Mass products can range from "hard" long burning Wood Pellets to Bio-Fuels. 


Bio-Fuels can be created from Bio-Mass operations involving materials as diverse as Plants to Tires. Ethanol and Bio-Diesel are the two main forms of Bio-Fuels that are produced primarily from Organic "feedstock" materials such as Wood, Plants, Algae, and organic components of Landfills and Sludge Ponds. Some Waste-to-Energy facilities can even make High grade Bio-Fuels such as Jet Fuels, through the use of a Fischer-Trope device that converts Waste gasses created during destruction operations into a liquid, which is then processed into a Bio-Fuel.   


Solar Power is simply the process of converting the Sun's heat from sunlight into Electrical Power. There are many good technologies available today where sunlight and the Sun's heat can be converted into Electricity, and new and ever more efficient technologies are continually being developed. Some of the technologies available today include:

- PhotoVoltaics - a process which converts "Sunlight" directly into
                             ​Electrical Power,

- "Concentrated" Solar Power (CSP) - a process that creates Power 
  ​"indirectly" by concentrating the Sun's heat from sunlight to boil Oil
  ​​in pipes, which is then used to boil water to run Steam Generators to
  ​create Electrical Power,  or,

"Dish" Engine systems - which concentrate the heat from sunlight
  ​onto a "receiver" which causes a piston or turbine to activate creating
  ​the "mechanical" power necesssary to run a generator that produces 
  ​Electrical Power. 

The concept of using the force of Wind to create power is a concept that goes back more than 2,000 years, where mankind realized that if they could "harness the Wind" it could help them produce the energy they needed to sustain the environments they lived in. Wind power helped to provide the power they needed to perform tasks as simple as grinding corn and other crops into other useful food products, or to provide enough power to pump water out of the ground to drink and irrigate fields. 

Wind Technology has come a long way since those times and today's windmills produce, almost exclusively, Electrical Power. The Wind provides the fuel to create electrical power which is arguably in greater demand than any other type of energy or fuel product. New designs in blade technology will allow the new generation of windmills to be even more efficient, and more Eco-friendly for "flying" animals such as Birds, Bats, and Bees that are very important to the fabric of nature.

"Operating" In-Ground Assets:

We will consider projects that involve extracting Metals and Ores, or known Fuel source commodities, such as Oil or Coal, if the site is currently in operation, can prove it has reserves to extract, and has a contract with an Investment-grade entity to purchase the Metal, Mineral, or Fuel product that the site produces. We do not fund "new" sites, or abandoned sites that deal with commodities .... only existing operations, as a form of "refinancing" the existing operation. The qualifying entity can use the proceeds realized from the financing received to expand or finance another site or operation. 

Other Projects we will consider:

Investment Grade Leasing:

We will consider financing for projects that involve leasing a site or space to an "Investment-grade" entity, or with the support of an Investment-grade entity, who wishes to occupy a site to be used as Office Space, Corporate or company operations, Distribution facilities, or Industrial/Manufacturing operations. This financing is available to any Government Agency or Private Companies that are either "Investment-grade", or have the support of an Investment-grade entity, that desires to create significant infrastructural improvements, or produces a product or service for the benefit of that entity and/or the community at-large. The site can be an existing site, or new construction. 

Most types of industries and sites can be considered, including Municipal and Governmental Infrastructure and operations, Hospitals and Healthcare sites, Hotel chains, Utilities, Financial Institutions, Major Retail, Insurance Firms, Industrials, and Alternative and Renewable Energy projects, as long as they are of Investment-grade quality, or involve the support of an Investment-grade entity.     

Acquisitions of "Operating" Energy Sites:

We are able to consider projects that want to acquire existing Energy Sites that operate on an "Industrial scale", and have Contracts in place with qualified Investment Grade entities for the product or Energy that the site produces. Most forms of Energy production can be considered, (such as Solar, Wind, Bio-Fuels, Oil Wells, etc.) if they are currently operating.   However, we do not fund the construction of "new" sites that deal with the extraction of "in-ground" commodities such as Oil, Coal, precious metals, or gasses, or "revive" any formerly abandoned sites that dealt with these types of commodities that a Principal would like to "put back in operation".

Equipment Leasing:

We will consider structuring a Leasing deal for equipment for Municipalities and Investment-grade entities on a significantly longer term lease than the effective life of the equipment. (e.g.: Oil Rigs, Fire Trucks, Police Car fleets, Renewable Energy and Waste Destruction systems, Industrial Machinery, etc.)

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